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Ideal for anyone and everyone, balance is the yoga-based class that will improve your mind, your body and your life. During balance an inspired soundtrack plays as you bend and stretch through a series of simple yoga moves and embrace elements of Tai Chi and Pilates. Breathing control is a part of all the exercises, and instructors will always provide options for those just getting started. You’ll strengthen your entire body and leave the class feeling calm and centered.


Exercising muscles around the core providing the vital ingredient for a stronger body. A stronger core makes you better at all things you do, from everyday life to your favourite sports – it’s the glue that holds everything together. All the moves in core have options, so it’s challenging but achievable for your own level of fitness. During the 30-minute workout trained instructors guide you through correct technique as you work with resistance tubes and weight plates, as well as body weight exercises like crunches, and hovers. You will also get into some hip, butt and lower back exercises.


THE ORIGINAL BARBELL CLASS™, the ideal workout for anyone looking to get lean, toned and fit – fast. Using light to moderate weights with lots of repetition, BODYPUMP gives you a total body workout. It will burn up to 540 calories**. Instructors will coach you through the scientifically-backed moves and techniques pumping out encouragement, motivation and great music – helping you achieve much more than on your own! You’ll leave the class feeling challenged and motivated, ready to come back for more. BODYPUMP is available as either a 55, 45 or 30-minute workout. It is also available in some clubs as a virtual workout.

EDA – every day athlete training at D-Club 247 fitness.

Offering a wide selection of classes to invigorate & energise your training experience.

Class descriptions:


Short for metabolic conditioning, metcon describes a type of workout that most commonly combines strength and cardio conditioning, as well as both anaerobic and aerobic exercises. During a metcon workout, you moderately to intensely exert yourself for a prolonged amount of time.


This class will push your limits, abilities and barriers.

With the perfect mix of weights and cardio and using a large variety of training techniques from YGIG to EMOM or AMRAP. This class will always keep you engaged and excited.


Hybrid metabolic conditioning training. Using functional movements, variety of training intervals and scaled to suit all fitness levels and abilities. 


Progressive Strength training to help build a supportive base. Working in 6 week blocks you will extend your ability, confidence and knowledge in a fun and supportive environment.


An energizing authentic cycle class based around real outdoor cycling experiences. Cycle classes have always been a staple for fitness Clubs because anyone can do them. No keeping in time to choreography and a true fitness experience for anyone. Our amazing coaches will take you on a journey that engages your mind and body while bringing you on a continuous enjoyable cardio ride. Great option for weight loss and those prone to injury from other activities.


This is our most popular yoga class, General classes are a beautiful balance between movement, pranayama (breathing), relaxation & meditation. General yoga combines Hatha and Vinyasa yoga which incorporates many of the same poses. The main difference is the pacing of the classes. Vinyasa moves at a faster pace and requires greater breathing control than Hatha yoga. Because it’s done more slowly and poses are held for longer, Hatha yoga allows for more stretching.


Mat Pilates is based on the original exercises Joseph Pilates developed to strengthen his own body as a young man.

Throughout your mat Pilates session, you will experience a full body workout. Mat Pilates is a strengthening and lengthening form of exercise that focuses on your core (trunk) muscles while also training your arms and legs.